Entry for Outlaw opened when I was in a field, in a tent, in deepest darkest Welsh Wales.
It would have been a perfect reason not to enter.
Soz guys, no Internet.
Instead, I duely found myself trudging to the Farmhouse and asking Dave if I could borrow the laptop.
Dave dutifully obliged. He wasn't going to refuse given that he can have months of Micky taking on the vision he has. Apparently I will be out of the swim in good time, the spectators will expect a quality triathlete. .... Instead....They will get me.
I had a look of terror/excitement/keeping fingers crossed Internet crashes look upon my face while I surfed the net n entered my details.
Details accepted. Congratulations Rach, you have a place.
Shit. That's exciting.... And scary.... Gah!! The year of FuckIt has a lot to answer to!!
I can do 1.2 of the 70.3 quite happily. I know I can swim. I would go so far as to say I can swim well. I know I can cycle the distance.... Not at any speed but I can cycle it.
Just to find some pace on the bike and a run then. I can do that.
I remember thinking during one of my swims 'oh my god I can't imagine getting out of the water n cycling 60 ish miles then starting a run after that'
Oh. Seems I'm gonna have to do more than imagine it.
I told my dad today, thinking he'd pass a usual comment about how I can't run, won't get up *that* hill, can't possibly go that far.
He didn't say anything.
No comment about stupidity, certainly nothing about pride or drive or stubbornness.
He used to run marathons. No pearls of wisdom. No words of support.
Thank you. You just fuelled me more.
I haven't done a triathlon yet. I've got one in a few weeks, only a sprint distance but it's a start.
I don't have a road bike. Minor detail.
But I know what I have achieved in 2 years swimming.
I know why I have achieved in 2 years in my personal life.
I have 9 months.
A lot can happen in that time.
Life is in the process of shifting once more.
I will do this. I will do it well.
Sadly, you probably won't be there to see it
None of the people fueling my journey will see.
But they will get to learnt he results.
Being. It. On
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