Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Ready or not, here I come....

As I type this I am sat in a plane. I wanted to type 'I am sat on a plane'. But that would suggest I'm on the roof. And I'm not. 

I've just landed in Schiphol n will be travelling onward to Oslo very shortly.  But only after I've had Dutch Apple Pie. 


I don't even think I have the words to articulate it. 

For the past week, I have found myself breaking into broad, beaming grins, cheeks bulging, eyes twinkling. 
This has occasionally been accompanied by an enthusiastic squeeee sound, and almost certainly a seal clap will have escaped. 

I can't contain the feeling. It's far too big. There have been one or two tears as well. Not sad tears. Just big feelings leaking through my eyes. 

It is here. 
The race that has consumed me for the past 9 months IS ON SATURDAY. 

I cannot do any more. 
The training has been done. 
All that is left is a minor matter of a swim, a bit of a lumpy bike, n a run with a small climb at the end. 

It is 3 proper sleeps n a snoozle away (Friday night isn't sleep, it's laying down in the dark for a bit)

Taper madness is absent for the most part. There have been no major meltdowns. Ickle ones, yes. The cassette n wheel issue made me cry. But human goodness prevailed n it's sorted. 

Packing was a calm affair. 
I am amazed at how easy it was. It felt far too easy.
For months, I have been adding post-it notes to a box in the living room of things I need. I exchanged the post it for the actual item, cross referenced it with my race plan/packing list. 
It took all of 15 minutes to gather everything. 

Being organised pays. 
Who knew?! 

Getting everything in the case n bike box? That was a different matter. 

Friends have made my heart swell. Magical trinkets of love have been gifted. They are coming up the mountain with me. 

So much belief. So much support. 
I hope I don't let anyone down. 

I have a plan for the day which involves tactical stuff, head space management, ways to make sure I enjoy it as well as goal related stuff. 

People have asked me what time I want. 

I want to finish. 
I'd like under 16 hours. 
I'd really like black finish. 
I want top 160. 
But that depends who turns up on the day n what the universe has in store. I mainly want to finish.

I want to jump off the ferry without fear or hesitation.
I want a steady swim which uses minimal energy. I won't swim the swim I know I am capable of, but I would rather conserve energy where possible. 
God knows I'll need it. 
I'd really like to do the bike leg in a time I know I'm capable of (if the weather is kind)
I'd really like a 2.15 half marathon off the back of the bike. 
Then I am into unknown territory.
10km at 10% won't be fast.  

But the real answer to what time I want? 

I want to have the time of my life. 
And that's what I plan on having.

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