Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Do The Thing

I have been thinking a lot about running lately.

Any time I have run recently, my heart rate has been stupidly high.
I ran 7 miles with TC a few weeks ago n felt like I may explode.
She was very patient with me (thank you)

My fitness was through the floor, my breathing was akin to when I smoked 30 a day.
My HR was at 188.
No wonder it was bloody hard going.

Since then, I have continued with the base work. Zone 1 horridness.

I feel like I am running at a snails pace. I don't like it.
I seem to be getting slower instead of faster.

Running slower hurts my legs too.

And still I keep coming back to the thought of running a marathon....

Why on earth would I want to run 26.2 miles?

I ran 5 tonight with Ms Locks n they were hard, horrid with a high heart rate.
Equally, they were in the woods, tucked away from the hussle n bustle of Leeds, hidden away.
I had great company n gossip.
I earned my pudding.
What more did I need on an autumnal evening?

While running, I had an overbearing thought, playing on repeat in my head.

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do"

So when I thought I couldn't keep going, I continued to put one step in front of the other.
When I wanted to cool down n walk the last stretch, I found a sprint finish.

Months ago, I entered the ballot for London on the back of a horrible hurty run... A run in which I vowed never to run again.

Strangely, I was slightly gutted I didn't get a place at London. In fact I was more than slightly gutted.
I have since looked at charity places for Paris. I have checked the dates n profiles of other marathons. I will find one that fits. Manchester is appealing at the minute. It is flat, it is local. The date works.

It would be oh so easy to enter.
Less easy to train for n complete.

I have a post it note on my mirror in my lounge.
It has the word 'marathon' n a time on it.
I see it daily.

Why do I want to run 26.2 miles?
Because I must do the thing I think I cannot do.

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