Monday, 19 January 2015

Blue Monday

The media have informed me that today is Blue Monday.
There was a song about that wasn't there?

My issue isn't with Monday as such - I work shifts, I don't have weekends in the typical way other people do, so Monday is OK as far as days go.

But today is the day that the world feels blue and glum. 
People drop their new years resolutions cos implementing change is hard and takes time and patience and occasionally lots of failing and trying again.

They get their credit card bills from Christmas and potentially realise that they bought people they don't like, a load of tat that cost a fortune. In best case, they bought people they love, things they wanted - but they still have to now pay the debt.

I've ranted about Christmas before so wont again - but yes, it impacts on how people feel come January.

The radio reported that today 'depression' is the most searched word in Google - or something like that. 
Thats quite worrying -that people feel as though they could be depressed and the media are saying 'its just a thing caused by Christmas and the new year'.  
It could stop people seeking the help and support they need.

I am currently in a state of what can only be described as confusion. 
I don't have the Monday Blues, or January Blues.
I am quite happy thank you.
Except I'm not.... I am... you just wouldn't tell I am

I'm depressed and it is tarnishing everything in my world - it is impacting on other people *again* and I don't want it to.

It is tainting the way I react to things and view things. 
It is stealing my joy, my motivation and my zest for life.

Last year, I wrote about Feeling SAD and about how I am always taken by surprise. 
Last winter was a good one. 
This winter is NOT a good one.
The only difference being, I am crying less.
I tried to combat it with Happy Tablets when September rolled around - being proactive and all that jazz. The happy tablets are the only reason I am crying less - the apathy for life remains - that part is unchanged. 

The sparkle from my soul is buried at the bottom of the heavy rucksack again - and well, I just don't have enough energy to shine at the minute. 

And yet - I have all the things to motivate me and all the things to be a giddy kipper about.

This year is full of Adventure and Exciting - and currently, I just feel a bit underwhelmed. 

I know that this too shall pass.  It always does.
OK, sometimes its as late as April, Sometimes as early as February. But invariably it passes.

Next weekend will bring me cold water euphoria and cuddles with friends who will lift my soul while it can't lift itself.

But if you are one of the people feeling 'a bit blue', ask friends to keep an eye on you, keep a log of moods, diet, sleep, visit your GP, have a chat, if there are things causing stress, ask for help in identifying what these might be, seek support in reducing stressors. If money is an issue, speak to your bank, the CAB, visit money saving websites or MA. Tart your credit card to an interest free to make it more manageable.  

Don't be alone with 'the blues' or depression.
Don't shut people out or push them away. 
Let them love you*. 

*I am mainly speaking to myself when i write this

1 comment:

  1. Hugs Rach. You're always sparkly. Even if you don't always feel it. xx
